Our fabulous casino! How to landscape it?

Oh, I know, I know. I am so late to this party. But I truly don’t think you can grasp the magnificence of Buffalo’s lovely new gaming facility (which has been open for some time) unless you have seen it in person, so to speak. My sister and I were driving back from the Botanical Gardens and took Ohio Street off the Skyway. Soon enough, there it was, in all its splendor. I didn’t notice too much activity around it. But we were too busy laughing our heads off to really pay attention.

Now, for the gardening-related part. What plantings would you suggest to complement architecture such as this? I don't know what the Senecas have planned—it should be corn, beans, and squash (the Three Sisters) of course—but they might not want to limit themselves to the traditional ways.

Oh, I'm sorry, here's a side view so you have a better sense of the design. As you can see, they have started working on the tree canopy.

Update on the massive agave and late-summer gardens at the BG to come. They are always at their best at this time of year.


Carol Michel said…
That is one hideous, cheap, metal building. No plant should be made to grow anywhere near it. I have no suggestions. It is too ugly of a building to warrant landscaping. That would be like putting lipstick on a pig.
EAL said…
Oh, Carol! Rise to the challenge!

Seriously, the corn, beans and squash idea is the best. From what I've seen, those 3 would quickly envelop and completely cover the place in no time.
Anonymous said…
Kudzu...oh, not hardy there! Calamagrostis 'Heavy Metal' would go with the aluminum look! At least the CT casinos are architecturally interesting. I try not to go there. I'm still laughing at 'lipstick on a pig'! Surprised that you would denigrate a pig like that, Carol! LOL
Molly said…
I'm thinking some fast-growing vine, something that would completely cover the building in a couple of years, pull it down to the ground in 10. Here in the Pacific Northwest, that'd be Himalayan Blackberry.
lisa said…
Hops vine! You'll need a machete to get in the front door in no time! Seriously, I do think some nice stands of grasses and a few coneflowers could be a decent start...heck, it LOOKS like a barn, so why not landscape it like a midwestern dairy farm? (Oh, then add some marigolds ;-)
Jane M. said…
Is that a MORTON building?

How about trumpet vine? Or wait. Wisteria. It'll pop the roof right off that sucker.
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