Next year in Buffalo

Hard to decide what was most impressive about last weekend’s garden blogger’s meet-up in Chicago. About 50 bloggers were in attendance, including many who might be reading this, so I won’t go heavily into details—others have reported on the events before me.

Suffice it to say that we visited several amazing public gardens, including the Botanic, Lurie Gardens, Lincoln Park, and the LP conservatory. Others also visited the Garfield Conservatory and a private garden outside the city. I’ve got a selection of pictures from the various stops here, as well as some from two charming private gardens: chef Rick Bayless’s and Chicago artist/blogger Carolyn Gail's. I think I loved Friday’s trip to the Botanic Gardens and Saturday’s walk around the Caldwell Lily Pool the best. Though the purple swaths at the Lurie were nearly everyone’s favorite, I think I preferred exploring gardens where surprises lurked around every corner.

It was delightful to spend more time with bloggers I barely got to speak with in Austin, and I met a few I had never seen face to face. While I don’t know where I’ll meet up with them in 2011, I do know where we’ll see each other in 2010. Buffalo! Yikes. While Buffalo cannot equal the spectacular public spaces we saw in Chicago, I am confident that we can pull together a great visit built around private gardens. Anyway, I know it will be fun.
No dates yet, but we’ll be cementing some details soon. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who made last weekend’s get-together as wonderful as it was. I hope to see many of the people shown in these images at the GWA conference in Raleigh this September.
And, say, Heather's comment gave me an idea. Got some ideas for the Buffalo event? Comments? Suggestions? Drop 'em here.
Already looking forward to next Spring, not least because I think I can persuade Blog Widow to join me in Buffalo, if not the gardeney-bloggy bits.
I enjoyed the wine and conversation after official Fling hours ... Bar 423 was the place to be! Thank you!
Personally, I would love to see an afternoon or evening dedicated to specific blogging topics, with discussion leaders. Some of us had interesting impromptu discussions in the hotel lounge in Chicago, and the blogging discussions led by Carol and Kathy at Spring Fling Austin were consistently mentioned by attendees as their favorite part of the weekend.
Of course, it's not possible to do everything, and I'm sure you'll squeeze in as much as you can. Buffalo will be fun--can't wait.
* Blogger/blogging ethics
* Creative content, copyright, licensing and fair use
* Using multimedia online: photography, audio, video
Each of these were topics of conversation for me at some point during the weekend. I would love to contribute to continuing the conversations.
And thanks for the tip on your name--I read that post, and now I understand completely!
I will help any way I can.