Glad I kept some roses
During the early period of my gardening, I struggled with the largish bed of white roses that had been left by the previous owner. They were all supposedly low-maintenance shrubs but they were attacked by midge (one bloom cycle per season, therefore) and died back nearly to the ground one winter. A hybrid tea in the middle was made hideous by blackspot every year, while some kind of old shrub in the back was covered in mildew.
I eventually got rid of them in favor of lilies and perennials, but I did keep a red climber and added this Abraham Darby (top), a Charlotte (another David Austin) and a Louise Odier (old, above). This is NOTHING to what a true rose freak would have and much less than many ordinary gardeners, but so far I think these are just the right amount of roses to have. Also, we have some pink ones in the alley (below). No one knows who planted them or what they are. And I have a couple roses in containers, including Blush Noisette, another nice heritage variety.
None of these roses receive any care except a digging in of rosetone (organic) once or twice a season. The alley one doesn’t even get that.
I don’t why people complain about David Austin roses; I love the two I have.
Anyhow. It is one of the most fragrant roses! Mine was next to my front door. I LOVED it!!
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The fact that you have only two Austin roses may be a clue: any more and they become samish. I was admiring my Graham Thomas, soft apricot yellow, and Constance Spry (pink) today, but wouldn't want any more.
I must be nasally challenged, cause to me they smell like stale handcream.
Those old 'old roses' look lovely. Must try those one day.
MMD, I don't have a jap beetle problem; it seems to be a suburban phenom here. They love grass and I have none. I have seen a couple here and there.
Every plant that I try grow ends up dying off...
can you recommend a good plant to grow indoors?
Also, I am in the process of writing a story that has a character in it that tends to a would you be able to put up a link to my blog?
nice blog of note...tho mine is supposed to be about doing art every day, it has lots of flower shots of late (many of said roses)
But tell me something about roses. I inherited here in France a house with a couple of old rose bushes. I was told to prune them back and did so with Rose manuel in hand and they responded okay... Last year I didn't prune at end of season, and this year I have a mass of red blooms on each and they are more than okay... I would send you a photograph if it weren't pouring with rain.
best wishes
Roses will actually withstand an amazing amount of neglect. :)
I am certain the blog of note designation is because of the name. Ya think?
I purchased another rose bush today... Tournament of roses, I think it was called!
Congrats on your blog!!