Then and now

The iphoto library is a pretty decent tool for a chronological record of the garden—not great, but it works. Especially as time goes on. I now have about three years worth of gardens on there, but what I need to remember to do is always take the same angles every year (in addition to all the other pictures I take). I like the idea of comparing the garden over a period of years or even a period of months as well.

So, you’d think this would be a jarring image juxtaposition—early July (top) with late September (above), but this section of the garden, though browning, going to seed, and just a bit ratty, still doesn’t look this bad. And I like this angle, looking to the pond. Next year I’ll try to do more duplicates of other shots I’ve taken.


Good idea.
Anonymous said…
Great way to keep track of certain areas of the garden.
Anonymous said…
I like comparison images too. It makes me feel accomplished.

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