Hothouse flower

Many of my fellow bloggers in the lower zones are writing about their early spring gardening efforts. They’re cleaning up, clearing out, mulching, creating new beds, and so on. (It’s a bit early for planting.)
However, you will be reading of no such efforts on this site, at least not for a few weeks. That’s because I do not garden if it’s under 50 degrees out. If I have to wear a winter coat, that indicates to me I probably should find something to do inside. To be honest, the garden would probably come up all on its own and look fine if I did absolutely nothing; most of the planting I do now it the result of extravagance and the need for novelty. That being said, I have 30-40 plants on the way from Select Seeds, Plant Delights, and Brent & Becky’s. But they won’t go in until May.
Sometime in April I’ll get out there, clear away the leaves; admire the erythronium, species tulips, daffodils, hellebores, and other early flowers; plant a few summer bulbs, and add some compost. When it’s 50 or better.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
It'll be sometime in May before I get to garden outdoors. It snowed again today.
I'm SO going to go get a clivia on the weekend after I finish my week's work-travels!