In situ

Today I had a great time at the orchid show—photos here—and plan a post that may even give some helpful information about them, but while that’s percolating, here are some random houseplant shots. I’m trying to use the tulips and hyacinths throughout the house, rather than keep them cooped up in the plant room.

There are still double tulips to come, and even some amaryllis—the Johnny-come-lately ones I keep as houseplants, and don’t bother giving a period of dormancy. These tulips are Negritas. If all goes as planned, I will have several big pots of them outside, as well as Amazone, Yellow Mountain, Orange Princess, and Black Hero, in April and May. Just saying that makes me feel better about winter.


O.I.M said…
I planted some negritas last fall in our community garden. hope they bloom before the squirrels notice them. yours look lovely.
Anonymous said…
Hi Elizabeth, those are wonderful. They make your home look like a garden. I love the dark tulips also, well all tulips really. The orchid shot was divine!
Your house looks so homey with all those lovely plants. It is wonderful to have blooms this time of the year.
Anonymous said…
The potted bulbs sure help with the winter blues even from this distance. The house looks warm and inviting and I can almost smell the hyacinths.
joey said…
'Orchid porn' at its finest! I see many lovely houseguests to sustain you through March. Thanks for sharing :)
Commonweeder said…
Beautiful bulbs. I had but a single hyacinth in a glass that didn't do that well. I'm going to pot them next year. Also a friend recently returned from Amsterdam and his tales have inspired me to try forcing tulips. This post clinches my resolves.

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