A pregnant pause

This is likely the longest I’ve gone between posts for some time. As the saying goes, life gets in the way.

But flowers continue and so does Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. I’ve had an abundance of flowers for the last month, considering it’s been the dead of winter. A lot of them have appeared here, but here are some that haven’t yet. And there are many to come—my amaryllis this year are being especially slow and four have bloom stalks just beginning to come up. One of them I’ve had for at least nine years; it is the very sturdy and persistent red variety. Because it does not have any dormancy period (I distrust dormancy periods) it usually blooms in mid-March. I also have more tazettas coming up.

Now is the time when I regret not having forced even more bulbs than I did. And why didn’t I do tulips this year? What will I do in March? I guess you’ll all have to look at those red amaryllis. Or maybe I’ll just cheat and go to the Botanical Gardens spring bulb show. Or force some cherry tree branches. Or all three. It’s very traumatic. But it's also been great to have lots of flowers in the house. In a couple months, they'll be outside as well.
My amaryllis are slow this year, too. I suppose my potting them up late has something to do with it. LOL. Worth the wait, though, aren't they?