Garden Rants about Garden Walk

Susan Harris has written a warm and generous post about Garden Walk, both the event and the book, on Garden Rant. I couldn't describe some of the most positive aspects of Garden Walk any better myself.

One thing she mentions is the fact that the gardens are not chosen, juried, or judged in any way. Usually, garden tours are selective and most cost money. I think that distinction is pretty important, and I'm glad that Susan made special note of it. (I wish the book was free too, but that's impossible. At least, the profits we get from it will go toward our beautification grants to community gardens.)

I'm pretty overwhelmed by everything she said. Thanks Susan! Thanks Garden Rant!

For those unfamiliar, Garden Rant is maintained by three garden writers, each of whom has her own blog—Amy Stewart, of Dirt, Michele Owens of Sign of the Shovel, and Susan, of Takoma Gardener. All are published garden writers; Amy has written several books.


Anonymous said…
I have read the book, and seen the DVD, and it is a really terrific package. Kudos to everyone involved!

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