The GWI Bloom Day post

This is a nice idea from May Dreams Gardens. Bloom Day: post about whatever's in bloom on the 15th of each month. When I first saw the title, I was confused—we celebrate Bloomsday here in Buffalo and it has nothing to do with gardens and flowers (though I'm sure flowers appear somewhere in Ulysses).

But then I read it, and I'm in. So this is what I've got, and it ain't much. Some forced hyacinths, some African violets, two cyclamen, and a hippeastrum in bud. I've had most of these for some years, except for the hyacinths, which I force from new bulbs each year.

Note the vintage bulb forcing glasses, ordered via ebay (at some expense) from British sellers.

Needless to say, nothing is happening outside except snow cover. Though I suppose the galanthus could be starting to push up. I hope so. And maybe even some early species tulips.


Carol Michel said…
Thanks for participating in garden bloggers' bloom day. I am envious of your hyacinth vase; though I have several, none are British vintage. And I've never been able to keep my Hippeastrum from year to year, but don't tell anyone.

Carol at May Dreams Gardens
Annie in Austin said…
Wow, the blue vase is gorgeous! And is the color of your African violet as blue as it looks in the photo? This grouping is really pretty, EAL.

There are some Austin people who will be celebrating Blooms Day in a few months - I've never read it, just heard quotes and excerpts on NPR.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose
EAL said…
Thanks--and this is why I say houseplants ROCK!

(sadly, the violets are not quite that blue)

I started to read it. Sometimes, I pretend I finished it.
Unknown said…
They may have been at a great expense, but those bud-forcing vases are... well, Wow! I like the idea you put into my head with your last paragraph, too. I'm going to imagine all kinds of snowdrops and frits and hellebores getting busy under the foot or so of snow, next time it starts to get to me.

I thought of you the other day. I was digging out my driveway and my neighbor comes outside, looks around, and asks me, "When did we move to Buffalo?" *grin*
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