More lilies? Why the hell not?
The wonderful Lily Garden sends out its catalog in fall and spring, so just in case we didn't order enough lilies in the fall, we have one more chance.
Normally, I buy all my lilies in the fall, with the rest of my bulbs. That way, you're getting the lilies when they're freshly harvested; in the spring, you're getting bulbs that have been kept in cold storage. So it's not ideal, but I trust this vendor. (Brent and Becky's, another good vendor, also has lilies in the spring.)
Of all the plants I grow, lilies, which are among the most exotic looking, have been the most reliable performers. So I'm always finding special nooks and crannies to squeeze more lilies in.
I'd love more martagons. I'd like to try the speciosum album again (last time I think McClure Zimmerman sent me Casa Blanca by mistake). And I'd especially like to get a speciosum rubrum that has a fragrance, as none I grow do.
More lilies!
(Sorry-fixed the link!)
Second, what's the address/phone number/website address or something for the Lily Garden?
My wife and I both love lilies (although she's a fanatic) and we're working with a new house and garden ....
Thanks in advance and hope you are enjoying the day.
They really don't take any special care--just put the bulb in. I don't even fertilize. They like sun, especially the trumpets.
Just be careful when the description says "light fragrance." We all (especially rosegrowers) know what that means.
In desperation, right before Garden Walk, I might buy some lily plants with promising buds from them, but I would not trust their information about the plants and I would never buy lilies in bulb form from them. Lily bulbs require special care--they don't have the protection a tulip bulb does. HD is not likely to provide that care.
The vendors I mentioned--and Old House Gardens--are much more likely to make you happy about your lilies.
Mary, sorry, I've been getting spam comments, in spite of the verification, so have been moderating, which, believe me, I'd much rather NOT do!