Hyacinths, already?

Ok, I looked back at my order confirmation and I’m not at all sure what it is. One thing is sure; it’s way ahead of my other hyacinths. This may be from a bag I purchased for demonstration purchases for a Garden Rant post and then gave most of to Ron. L’Innocence perhaps? Carnegie? L’Innocence is billed as a very early forcer. I don’t think it’s City of Haarlem. Nonetheless, there it is, earlier than I’ve had any forced hyacinths in the past. Heck, I still have paperwhites in progress. I notice there’s one in a forcing glass near it that’s also very far along. It may be the same cultivar. Hmm. Maybe it's one I should get in bulk next time!


Does it smell good? It sure is pretty.
Carol Michel said…
I have one hyacinth blooming, but it is from a generic ol' bag of bulbs from the big box store. A bit top heavy for indoor forcing. I need to be more selective next year!
Ron E. said…
That does indeed look like one you gave me. And here in our household, we think it smells great.

--Mentee Ron

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