Three plants in particular

No, not the ones I would take to a desert island, though I like that challenge and have read a few thoughtful selections. Instead, I have decided on three commemorative plants. Recent events have been exciting and momentous; after 8 years of turning down the radio periodically so I would not have to listen to certain voices, I am interested in political events once more. Who knows, by May, when I plant these, I might be disgusted again, but for now I’m hopeful. I’m thinking I’d like to plant some new cultivars that would mark this optimism.
The first will be a hydrangea. These are my favorite shrubs; there is something so typically hometown American about them, though many are not native plants. A quercifolia is, though, and it’s one of the few I don’t have. I do have the other native variety, arborescens.
The second plant will be an unusual clematis. I am choosing plants that people notice for their beauty, not the sort of mainstay plants that everyone has, as appreciated and wonderful as these are. I have selected the clematis tangutica “Chinese Lanterns.” It might blend well with my c. alpina "Stolwijk Gold," which has gold foliage.
The third one will be a striking shade plant. I am thinking of pulmonaria saccharata "Mrs. Moon." I have one with narrower leaves; I think it is the majeste. (Many would consider this and the hydrangea ordinary plants, but I don't—it's all in ones perspective.)
I’ve not chosen plants I routinely add every year, like lilium, verbena bonariensis, tall nicotiana, dahlia, and so on. The plants here—a perennial, a shrub, and a vine—are meant to be high impact cultivars that will only get better over time.
You will love 'Mrs Moon' pulmonaria, I think; but then I never met a pulmonaria I didn't love, mildew being a very minor concern here despite the fog and clay. My personal favourite is P. longifolia ssp. cevennensis (whew, try saying that in a hurry, and I'm not sure I've spelled the subspecies correctly); its leaves are longer and spangled in a lot of silver, and the flowers are a rich cobalt blue. When they're not pink, of course.
You've actually thrown open a real nice topic for discussion; trying new plants in the garden. I'm going to chew on this while I do some housework (waiting for email/phone calls from interview subjects) and see what comes up for me.
I like how you said that a hydrangea is so American. It will never go out of style.
I'm always trying new cultivars and it's so exciting. The wait is fun. I'm not surprised at your choices. Unlike your highly intoxicated name---you really have an elegantly quiet garden. It's peaceful.
I choose:
grapes for wine
wheat for bread
hops for beer
Love your plants. This is the summer that I want to try some new and different...Natives! Like the H quercifolia "Little Honey"...what a lovely color. Btw, Pee Wee an Oakleaf hydrangea is a nice size for a smaller garden. It has great fall color. Gail
Nice choices!