Novelty items
The plants I’m featuring for GBBD this time represent a whim, a gift, a change of pace, and a continuing preoccupation. Above is the gift: Proven Winners kindly sent me 3 “Pretty Much Picasso” supertunia hybrids. These are the hot annual of the season and I really like how they’re performing so far.
This is the whim; our supermarket had a group of these just outside the entrance the other day and I couldn’t resist. I’m keeping them in the pond.
These old-fashioned frilly petunias were part of the Botanical Gardens sale this year. I preordered them. Unlike the newfangled waves and so on, these will not go wild, but hopefully they’ll last the summer.
And these Mrs. Blackhouse martagons are part of my ever growing lilium collection. They’re very hardy and will put up with shade.
(I was going to make readers guess which was which—whim, gift, and so on, but figured it would be annoying.)
Love the old-fashioned petunia. Do you happen to have a name for it?
Those were called "antique" hybrids by the Botanical Gardens. I know that does not help much.