Novelty items

The plants I’m featuring for GBBD this time represent a whim, a gift, a change of pace, and a continuing preoccupation. Above is the gift: Proven Winners kindly sent me 3 “Pretty Much Picasso” supertunia hybrids. These are the hot annual of the season and I really like how they’re performing so far.

This is the whim; our supermarket had a group of these just outside the entrance the other day and I couldn’t resist. I’m keeping them in the pond.

These old-fashioned frilly petunias were part of the Botanical Gardens sale this year. I preordered them. Unlike the newfangled waves and so on, these will not go wild, but hopefully they’ll last the summer.

And these Mrs. Blackhouse martagons are part of my ever growing lilium collection. They’re very hardy and will put up with shade.

(I was going to make readers guess which was which—whim, gift, and so on, but figured it would be annoying.)


Carol Michel said…
Some of the "whims" of the garden turn out to be the best flowers I have. "Embrace the whim"...
Love that lily. Some day I need to get more ...after I move the ones I have to better spots.
Go going with the whim. If I had a pond, I'd grow Callas, they are so elegant.
Your choices of flowers to highlight are beautiful. Even though I am not a big petunia person I do like the way this one is edged in a contrasting color. Thanks for not making us think too hard today. It is too hot to do much of anything now.
Anonymous said…
They're all beautiful, but you might want to rethink keeping the calla in the pond. While the white ones love damp shade, the colored one usually want sun and good drainage. I don't know exactly what you have, so I could be wrong, but keep an eye on it.
I've never seen a frilly edge petunia before. Very striking. Can't wait to see it all in person!
Anonymous said…

Love the old-fashioned petunia. Do you happen to have a name for it?

Rose said…
The 'Picassos' really have been hit this year, but I like your frilly petunia--it looks so different from most of the petunias you see in the garden centers now. And your lilium is a beauty!
EAL said…

Those were called "antique" hybrids by the Botanical Gardens. I know that does not help much.
Linda said…
Picasso is much written about here in the Portland (OR) area. Glad to hear it's not all talk and it's performing for you. Can't wait to encounter a real live plant!
lisa said…
Pretty blooms! My friend bought 'Picasso', and it sure IS nice! I'm growing petunia 'Flambe' from seed, it's a mix of oranges and yellows.
I've never seen such a frilly petunia before. It's quite pretty. The Picasso supertunias are all the rage down here, and seem to be doing well.
c said…
I'm all in favor of whims. I tried to get those Picasso petunias - but I was too late. We were supposed to have them at the Bridge of Flowers plant sale but the nursery said someone came in and bought every single flat. I think they look like such fun. I don't know where they all went. I haven't seen them in any garden.
Anonymous said…
I am really looking forward to seeing those famous lilies! Mrs. Backhouse is splendid. :-)

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