In which Amy's chickens steal the show and Amy drinks vodka out of a mason jar
Oh sure, I did my best with my weird pickled hibiscus buds and my vintage hyacinth vases, but that background clucking and Ladybird's guest appearance was just too cute. Here's episode 2 of the Garden Rant Cocktail Hour. Stay tuned because we're bringing on some other bloggers who long to tell their tales and drink their drinks for you.
Did you ever hear of The Skirted Round Table. You may want to check them out. They have been doing something similar with their almost weekly podcasts for many years. Here is a link.
I enjoy them dish on interior design, but if you check out the guest list and the topics, they are very creative in topic choice and get the best designers/architects/magazine editors in the industry to stop in and chat.
Just in case you think I am spamming because I left a link, Elizabeth, I am also a Western New Yorker gardener and blogger.
i should do this. i haven't done any podcasting but seeing as how i talk to myself so much in the garden as it is, i might as well upload the musings. you two are very amusing and it looks like you're having a lot of fun. nice choice of boozes! i was recently blogging about my rather negative experience with some home made stuff. heh. it's great when it's good, but when it's bad? oh, nothing comes closer to defining "killer hangover."
Fun drinks, too. I just happen to have tons of wild raspberries out back. ;)
Love the chicken.