The lily report, 2009

There are actually many lilies still in bud on the gwi property, but plenty are blooming now. I’m happy because I am deliberately not looking up all I ordered in the fall and spring to figure out what never came up and why. I secretly suspect a LOT of them did not come up. But like I said, I’m not going to look closely into that. And I’m not going to think about the two monster stalks whose buds I broke off accidentally before I got around to staking them.

What a good idea to plant more henryi (top) in my one sunny bed! If I do buy more lilies this year, I will surely add more of those. The other surefire success is the Amazing, which must be very closely related to the l. auratum (Gold Band lily, above).

Silk Road (above) is a winner, without question. It even came up in the black shade of the front yard, budding well after the Norways leafed out. And I am pretty sure this (below) is Grandiose, another orienpet from The Lily Garden.

New additions are these nice yellow turks caps. What are they? Where did I buy them?

And here is another variety that never fails: Scheherazade.