Garden Walk freakout post

Yes, this is the yearly panic attack about how unprepared my garden is for Garden Walk. Except that this time, I am SO behind that I can’t even get too excited about it.
However, we do, as always, have exhibit A, at top: plants bought at the last minute in the fond hope that they will provide some kind of color boost, negating the myriad flaws to be seen everywhere.
And then we have the unmulched, unweeded front beds. There are 4 bags of mulch in the trunk of my car. Can they exert some karmic power from there, magically making weeds disappear? My husband did trim all the flagstone growth. Trimming is much better than pulling; this way we have nice lines of green between the paving.
The wisteria is monstrous. Really, everything is. There has been so much rain. The roses haven’t liked that though, and there hasn’t been enough warmth for the colocasia to take off.
The pond plants don’t look right. I have to fix that. Please, let me remember to fix that. Please, let me remember to throw some mulch down. Please, make it stop raining, at least for the few hours early tomorrow am that it will take me to finish up.
What's a few thousand visitors? I had only 50 and I was as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
I'm sure we'll be hearing raves about your garden for a long time.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Sending some karmic garden energy your way to help with the chores--or the recuperation. Strawberry daquiris are very nice for that.