Gardening in April? Who'da thunk it.
It has been an unusually active week in GWI-land. Thursday, the TV crew (above) came over, saw, as I had warned them, that were hardly any flowers in bloom, and interviewed me inside about Garden Rant for about 45 minutes. I am not totally positive why this happened—they didn't seem to have a lot of familiarity with Garden Rant, or this blog (and why would they). Still, they were nice; I think I can post a link to it when it runs, as the segment will be online. The camera guy was happy; he found a bee and some scillas he could shoot.
But since then, it's been a veritable explosion of growth—for me, that is. The erythronium are almost there, the hellebores are fully out, I seem to have more daffodils that I had ever imagined (none of which I planted), and the species tulips (turkistanica, above) are popping up madly. I guess this is the kind of spring other people have, but we so very rarely have in WNY. Awesome.
Alan helped me assemble the tumbling composter, which is really fun to spin around, and I have a perfect hiding place for it, in this jungle area between the garage and the neighbor's soon-to-be-insanely-thriving silver lace vine. It must be hidden; it's difficult to imagine how painting it would help, though I'll be interested to see what others have done. I think Carol is painting hers, or has. I'll have to check.