Heard in the garden today:

“How do you get your hydrangea to be that color?”
(Buy the right hydrangea.)

“Love the baby’s breath.”
(It’s gallium verum, but no matter.)

"Look at these stargazers!"
(I don’t have any stargazers.)

“Do you take this in?”
(I take nothing in–all tender tubers and annuals are replaced yearly.)

“How do you keep your gardenia alive?”

“This is one of the first gardens that smells like a garden.”
(YES—thank you!)

“Did you paint the mural? Did you make the sculpture?”
(Um, no.)

Horrible loud thrumming sound, like a generator.
(Oops—CD is skipping.)

“Do you take this in?”
(See above.)

“Thank you!”
(No—thank you!)


Kelsgarden said…
OK - I BOUGHT a pink hydrangea - but it turned blue this year - blue-purple acctually and I have "limed" it hoping to return it to it's lovely pink -

I had NO IDEA people prefer blue in some parts of the country until reading garden blogs lately - everything here is blue and I wanted pink!

I take nothing in either - it either makes it or it is replaced

smells like a garden! ha!

Thank you!

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